The Angry Bear

Hey, I am the Angry Bear. I can be found on the local swing dancing floors or out playing every sport imaginable. Not much more to me. Oh and I love to travel. Only 12 states left to go before hitting them all. Hopefully I can get that done in the next 5 years. Then it's europe here I come!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Ha, another update

Well, since I am pretty sure Dave is the only one that looks at this site, I will let him be the first to know that I am actually seriously dating someone. If you want to see more about her she is the first girl on my friends list on my myspace page\swinginsam (i think that is it). If you keep the comments coming I'll keep the blog coming =).


Monday, June 05, 2006

Here's your update Dave

Well, here it is. There was 2 girls that I was interested in and seemed interested in me and I really had no clue which on to persue. Well, since that situation I persued both of the girls, one I realized pretty quick it wasn't going to work so I ended it and the second girl we've been kinda on and off since then. I think we pretty much are content with being good friends so that is where we will stay for now and hopefully more will come of it since I am a huge fan of her's.
