The Angry Bear

Hey, I am the Angry Bear. I can be found on the local swing dancing floors or out playing every sport imaginable. Not much more to me. Oh and I love to travel. Only 12 states left to go before hitting them all. Hopefully I can get that done in the next 5 years. Then it's europe here I come!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Wow, nothing like running for over an hour with quality people. Well, Stef, Jenni and I ran for an hour around the area for a pretty awesome time. It was a tab bit cold right away but got pretty nice after about 30 seconds!!! Pretty much the only reason I am writing this is because Stef wanted to be mentioned in the Blog!!! She is a pretty quality individual if you ask me. For those interested she will be going along snowboarding in January, along with a bunch of other quality people. Fun times by all if you ask me! Nothing like 4 days of snowboarding in the wonderful state of Colorado!!!! I really need to get off my butt and move there! Hopfully come July/August I will test the waters and move my behind out there for a bit!!! Hang out with all the crazy adventures people out and kill myself within the month! I would then become ferret food and live happily ever after!

The Ferret Food Bear!!!


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